Sunday, June 29, 2008

Father's Day 2008

Father's Day for us was a great day. I've been wanting a group picture of the family for a long time and we never seem to set the time aside to do it. Well, as a surprise to me, Cathy set up a time for us to go get a family portrait. The pictures came out well.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

2008 Update

Wow, what a change from the last posting. 2008 has been an awful year so far and it hit rock bottom when the builder of our home decided to liquidate assets since the bank has decided to discontinue funding their business. In addition to Kendall's diagnosis and a few other mishaps, we can't wait until 2008 comes to an end.

The latest hit we took was when our builder's attorney sent an email to me saying that the bank will most likely have to foreclose on our 1/2 built house and we may or may not get it after it forecloses. We have been thinking through a strategy to get the house, but at a lesser price than we would have paid for in the first place. There are so many moving parts to this situation and it will take some time for us to see what happens. The fact that the real estate market is so bad right now plays in our favor. We have a few options and are putting together a plan to take to the bank. Worse case scenario is that we are out our down payment which we saved up over the past few years. This whole thing has been a disaster.

Work continues to go well for me and for Cathy. It's been a serious struggle handling Kendall at home and trying to perform our jobs at the highest level. We are ending up working in the evenings and on weekends to make up for lost time.

We are optimistic for the remainder of the year and we have good reason to based on what the fortune teller told me when I was in New Orleans about a month ago.